Monday, June 27, 2011

Football Gear

 Cyhperrub came over for a visit when I still lived in Bellevue.  I asked him to pose in some of my football gear which he was more than happy to do.  He had never worn a football helmet so I had to help him.

The following weekend with football gear on my mind, a friend tied me down to my bondage cot.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Scooby Doo and a really fake underground Seattle

Does anyone remember the Scooby Doo espisode where frightend hound meets demons underground in undergound Seattle.  I saw this when I was young and expected to go there and find really cool old buildings and maybe and abandoned jail with some cells or something to that effect.  After seeing underground Seattle when I was in middle school I was highly disappointed.

Equal Opportunity Kink

A few weeks ago rubberasylum came to me and told me about how someone thought it was crazy that he liked furs.  It reminded me of an old Academy video where the guy was getting strapped into a bondage chair and yelling this is "sick."  In a similar situation I can relate.  I am never asked why I like football, hockey, helmets, or neopreme gear.  Often though I am asked why I like life jackets.  I usually reply why not.  What else can you strap on tight around your chest and if the jacket has crotch straps all the better.  People can develop a fetish over anything, so instead of critizing them beacause it's not your thing move on to something you like and let them be.

 Type I Kapok Life Jacket.
The rear head support on these things are great for bondage situations.
The drysuit is a mustang survial aviators rescue suit.
I love a cresi sub mask with a rebreather bag on.

Of course there is a practical side to life jackets as well, wearing them on the water can save your life.

And even furs wear life jackets!

Older Oneill Wetsuit

In 2006 this 21 year old came to visit me.  The wetsuit, which the zipper failed shortly after this shot was one of my favorite.  This young man was just getting into kink and had seen my profile online.  Needless to stay I think he liked the suit and the mask.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Koho 2250 hockey pants find

 Whilst thrift store shopping I stumbled on these Koho 2250 senior size small pants.  They were 5 bucks and I fit them so home with me they went.
 I am curious about the hole in the rear.  Intentional?
 Pants without a jersey on me.  Nice buldge, seems like they were designed to show off a cup.
 With a jersey.  Go USA.
Oddly enough one can pull their naughty bits out with little difficulty.  Are hockey manufactures designing moden pants this way?

wetsuit bondage after several years break

When I was 25 I had come out of bad relationship and was really looking for some hot bondage scenes.  I drove to Portland and met a hot top several years my senior but really good looking.  It wasn't long before I was tied to a bondage rack and started having fun.

He also had his own invention.  A penis pump lined with soft foam rubber.  As you can see it was quite effective.

wetsuitjay online

A goal of mine has been to have physical presense online that I can call my own and it here it is.  Today I start the great world of blogging.  My goal is to post once a week at first and see where it goes from there.  As I venture into this new world which my partner rubberasylum is already fond of to say the least, I look forwad to seeing what will become of it.  Thanks, Jay